Its closest neighbour to the north is peninsular malaysia 马来西亚半岛是新加坡以北的近邻。
Peninsular malaysia is linked by land to thailand in the north 马来西亚半岛的北部同泰国接壤。
1 the strait of johor separates singapore from peninsular malaysia 新加坡和马来西亚半岛之间隔着柔佛海峡
What are the names of the straits that separate singapore from peninsular malaysia and indonesia 分隔新加坡与马来半岛和印度尼西亚的海峡叫什么?
Besides the two major land transport links with peninsular malaysia , two offshore islands are also linked by road to the main island of singapore 除了与马来半岛的两个连接通道,两个离岛也经公路与新加坡本岛相连。
In response to the two dead chicken found infected with avian influenza h5n1 in the northeastern region of peninsular malaysia , 300 birds within the vicinity had been culled as a precautionary measure 两只于马来半岛东北部死去的鸡只被证实感染h5n1禽流感后,附近300多只禽鸟已被销毁。
Deputy prime minister najib admitted the first day of the rescue work was indeed in chaotic situation . this was because of flooding in south peninsular malaysia more serious than expected 副首相拿督斯里纳吉承认第一天的救灾工作的确出现混乱局面,而这是因为南马区的洪水泛滥比预期中还要严重。
The north - south highway is the country ' s main highway , and stretches the length of peninsular malaysia . hundreds of thousands of malaysians commute along a web of highways daily , but accidents and deaths typically rise during festive occasions when millions leave kuala lumpur and major cities during extended holidays 每天有很多马来西亚上班族驾车行驶在这些密如蛛网的公路上,但每逢节假日,当人们离开吉隆坡和一些大城市去度假时,高速公路的运输压力就显著增加,各种交通事故的数量以及因此而死亡的人数均会上升。